GWorks Interviews: Jeffrey Rosen
In GWorks Interviews: Jeffrey Rosen, the George Washington University Law Professor and co-editor of the new book, Constitution 3.0: Freedom and Technological Change, discusses how technology affects our understanding of Constitutional values, what values to protect and how.
Part One: Presenting the Future Constitution 3.0 and Professor Rosen's contribution to it, including a discussion of "Open Planet"—24/7, world-wide video surveillance that may come to a computer near you sooner than you think.
Part Two: Public Private Law Constitutional law, the growing role private corporations play in affecting speech and privacy and how we might best protect our rights in a changing world.
Part Three: Reasonable Tech-spectations The effect technology is having on established legal understanding of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution's prohibition of "unreasonable searches and seizures," crime and punishment and whether established Constitutional assumptions may not be in the Constitution after all.
Part Four: Controlling Authority New ways to think about the government's ability to collect and use data and what the recent US v. Jones case may tell us about Supreme Court thinking.
Part Five: Conclusions Whether younger generations of technology users will answer questions of Constitutional value differently and how these questions have been resolved over time.