GWorks Interviews: Thomas E. Mann & Norman Ornstein

"It's easy to throw up your hands and say, 'This is horrible.'
Or, 'The end of the world is coming.' It's harder to look at what you can do about it."

In GWorks Interviews: Thomas E. Mann & Norman J. Ornstein, the noted Congressional scholars and political observers for over 40 years discuss their latest book, It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism, the acid state of current political affairs and what to do about it.

Part One: We Are Not Hegelians Their latest book, the Republican party as "insurgent outlier" and that value is found in shared faith in government and problem-solving—not in the synthesis of any contrasting view they might have.

Part Two: Ideology Or Bust The destructive power ideology has over politicians and the political process.

Part Three: End Games Race political opportunity, the debt|deficit and what Republicans are playing for.

Part Four: Inflections Whether this is a make-or-break moment and there is cause for hope.

Mr Mann is Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at The Brookings Institution and Resident Scholar, Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley. He held the W. Averell Harriman Chair at Brookings between 1991 and 2014 and was Director of Governmental Studies between 1987 and 1999. Before that, Mann was executive director of the American Political Science Association.

Mr Ornstein is a Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He is a contributing editor and columnist for National Journal and The Atlantic and is an election eve analyst for BBC News. He served as co-director of the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project and participates in AEI’s Election Watch series. He also served as a senior counselor to the Continuity of Government Commission. Mr. Ornstein led a working group of scholars and practitioners that helped shape the law, known as McCain-Feingold, that reformed the campaign financing system. He was elected as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2004.