GWorks Interviews: Benjamin Wittes

In GWorks Interviews: Benjamin Wittes, Mr Wittes discusses his vision for the book and the relationships among technological development, National Security and Constitutional values.

Benjamin Wittes is Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at The Brookings Institution and, together with Jeffrey Rosen, co-Editor of Constitution 3.0: Freedom & Technological Change.

Part One: Imagine That Constitution 3.0 & imagining what and how technology affects Constitutional values.

[Please Note: Due to a technical error, the first five minutes of Part One are audio only.]

Part Two: A Different Day The relationship among technological development, National Security and Constitutional values.

Part Three: Convergence How technological development and the War on Terror affect thinking about military force, law enforcement and the Constitution.

Part Four: Limiting Principle The extent of our ability to gather and analyze data, whether a recent Supreme Court case is a sign we may have reached a Constitutional limit and who should decide.

Part Five: Conclusions Making biological weapons in basements and what readers should take away from Constitution 3.0.